Bicycle Tour Through the Tuscan Coast

Greetings, fellow bicyclers! This site contains pictures from a bicycle tour of Tuscany taken in October, 2005. Pictures has been submitted by Tim Bosserman and Ken Lee.

Enjoy the pictures. Comments, suggestions, and submissions are welcome.

Tim Bosserman

Page last updated 11/6/2005

Tim's pictures
Ken's pictures

Did you enjoy this site? If so, you might want to check out the websites from other trips:
Bicycle tour of Spain, 2000
Turks & Caicos, 2001
Bay Islands, Honduras, 2002
Belize Outer Atolls, 2003
Statia & Saba, 2004
Cayman Islands, 2005

This website was created using 'vi', 'sh', and the 'netpbm' package. It is best viewed using *any* web browser, because I'm not going to use any B.S. proprietary Microsoft or Netscape HTML tags. If you catch me using any, please feel free to call me on it.